Prepared and semi-prepared for Ice Cream, Pastry and Gastronomy. Made with the Heart!
High Quality Made in Italy
Ice Cream
Powder base, All’Inclusive, Semifinished Stuff, Variegates, Coatings e Fuit puree
Pastry and Gastronomy
Filling spreads, Mirror gelee, Dried Fruit Pesto and Topping
Bar and Drink House
Syrup, Topping and ideas for aperitifs
From the choice of the best raw materials to a careful processing,
which brings all the love of the craft realization in the industrial qualitative context.
The Iannino brand is synonymous with excellence.
Offriamo la possibilità di etichettare le nostre produzioni a vostro marchio direttamente nella nostra
sede, guidandovi, se necessario, nelle fasi di ricerca e realizzazione del packaging.
We offer the possibility to label our productions to your brand directly in our
The Company’s headquarters, guiding you, if necessary, in the research and realization phases of the packaging.
Tutti i vantaggi di stabilire un rapporto diretto con un azienda produttrice, evitando tutte le
difficoltà ed i costi aggiuntivi tipici degli intermediari.
Con la Iannino stabilirete una relazione commerciale con una ditta seria, affidabile e puntuale.
All the advantages of establishing a direct relationship with a producer company, avoiding all the
The Commission has already taken a number of initiatives to improve the quality of the information supplied.
With Iannino you will establish a commercial relationship with a serious, reliable and punctual company.